55. I have my own preferred courier / own airway bills / self pick-up / arrange runner to collect?

55. i ada airwaybill sendiri , i nak pick up , i atur runner untuk pickup.


Last Update 4 years ago

Yes, you may appoint your courier agent and arrange for collection at SSODD.

Preferred Courier / Own Airway Bill (AWB)

During order, at the comment box you can remark and mention that you have your preferred courier and own Airway Bills (AWB). 

Then, email the AWB to hello@ssodd.com. 

For MOS, you can refer here to upload the AWB

Please send the AWB one day in advance before your agent courier come and pick up.

Self Pick-up / Arrange Runner

During order, at the comment box below you can remark if you want to self pick-up or arrange runner to SSODD. Please check with SSODD first to make sure the product is ready. Also please mention the time of collection for self pick-up.

Working Hours

Monday- Friday: 10am - 6pm

Lunch Break: 12.30-2.00pm (please dont come at this hours)

Saturday-Sunday-Public Holiday: Closed

Ya, anda boleh mengatur ejen courier anda dan pengambilan di SSODD.

Pilihan Courier Sendiri / Mempunyai Airway Bill (AWB) Sendiri 

Semasa membuat pesanan, di kotak komen anda boleh memberi komen dan menyatakan bahawa anda mempunyai courier pilihan anda dan memiliki Airway Bill (AWB).

Kemudian, hantarkan e-mel AWB and ke hello@ssodd.com.

Untuk MOS, sila rujuk langkah langkah di sini untuk muat naik AWB.

Sila hantarkan AWB anda sehari awal sebelum courier ejen anda datang dan mengambil.

Pelari Pengambilan Diri / Susun Sendiri

Semasa membuat pesanan, di kotak komen di bawah, anda boleh meletakkan komen sama ada anda ingin mengambil sendiri atau mengatur runner ke SSODD. Sila hubungi SSODD terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan produk siap. Juga nyatakan waktu untuk self pick-up.

Waktu Bekerja

Isnin- Jumaat: 10 pagi - 6 petang

Rehat Makan Tengahari: 12.30-2.00 tengah hari (jangan datang pada waktu ini)

Sabtu-Ahad-Cuti Umum: Tutup

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