75. How to provide Invoice to customer?

75. Bagaimana cara menyediakan Invois kepada pelanggan?


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

After MOS has placed the order for their customer in the system, customer will received an email regarding their order.

Example email:

If customer do not have email, they will not receive the invoice. MOS can provide the invoice by generating it in the system. Steps as below:

1. Click Sales > Orders >

2. Go to the selected order and click > View

3. Then click > Print Invoice

4. The invoice can be saved in (PDF or screenshot) and then forward to customer

Steps for Iphone users to download: 

1. Click share > Options > PDF > Done > Whatsapp

Below steps for Android user:

1. Click > Downloads > Open > Whatsapp / Screenshot

2. Send to customer


1. Customer who provide their email, can receive the invoice directly.

2. If customer did not have the email, MOS can save the invoice (PDF/screenshot) in the system and provide to their customer.

3. Do not share the invoice using link, customer cannot open it.

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